The Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group is based on the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland, Australia. Meetings are generally held in Malanda at the Malanda Hotel, on the first THURSDAY of each month (commitee meeting on odd numbered months and Meetings are generally held in Malanda at the Malanda Hotel, on the first THURSDAY of each month (commitee meeting on odd numbered months and public presentation even numbered months--February, April,June,August,October, December).
President: Peter Valentine 07-4096-6171 (
Vice President: Leanne Hales 0417-608-292
Secretary: Amy Shima 0499-180-961
Treasurer: Belinda Bogart 0468-326-146
The Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group Inc.
PO Box 1409, Atherton
QLD 4883, Australia